The Church of the Son of God The Gospel Expanded Matthew Chapter 5 Verses 1 Through 15

Expanded Matthew Chapter 5 Verses 1 Through 15

Expanded Matthew Chapter 5 Verses 1 Through 15 post thumbnail image

When Yashaya saw the multitudes, he went up to a mountain to teach the people the things the Father had commanded him. And when he was set in the place where he would teach the people, he called forward his disciples. They came to him so they could hear clearly the things he would command the people, so they could teach the same things to the people as they had been given authority to do.

After he had presented his disciples before the people, he began to speak, and taught the people, Increased are you if you shall give heed to the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you, to minister unto you, and to be your servants. I have given power to them to baptize you with water if you repent and believe the things that I shall give to you from my Father. After you are baptized with water, which is the covenant you shall make before the Eternal Father, the Covenant confirms that you will do the things that I command you to do this day; see then, I will baptize you with fire and with the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost will cause you to know that the things that I will give to you are true. And this fire will burn within you, giving you a remission of your sins by the peace that you will find in your souls. Because you are poor in spirit and seek for the kingdom of heaven. It is this kingdom that I shall give to you this day.

Being Enriched and Fortuned

How fortunate are those who are humble in their spirits and approach me to acquire the knowledge and blessings that the Father has bestowed upon me for their benefit? Their souls will be satisfied, and they will gain entry into the kingdom of heaven.

Similarly, how fortunate are those who mourn because they yearn for greater righteousness but cannot find it within the teachings and regulations propagated by humanity? They will find solace and consolation in the words that I offer them today.

How blessed are the gentle individuals who strive to align their actions with the will of the Father in every aspect of their lives? They will inherit the earth that has been meticulously prepared for them.

How fortunate are those who earnestly desire righteousness with humility and a humble heart? They will be filled with the Holy Spirit, who will impart wisdom and knowledge to them.

And how fortunate are those who show mercy and love to others, withholding judgment for their wrongdoings? They will receive mercy in return for their own transgressions.

Fortunate are all those with pure hearts who seek to know the Eternal Father and His ways in righteousness. Their desire is to understand the truth and not to exploit it for their own selfish desires like the impure. Indeed, they will come to know the Great Creator.

How enriched are the peacemakers who refrain from engaging in contentious disputes over doctrine? These individuals will come to know the true doctrine, and they will be recognized as the children of the Eternal Father.

How fortunate are those who endure persecution and mockery from others because of their righteous actions? They will find their peace and happiness in the kingdom of heaven.

And how blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and spread false rumors about you because of your commitment to me? Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great. The prophets who came before you were also persecuted in the same way, as they were sent by me to teach these truths to the people.

Dealing with Troubles and Persecution

Rejoice and be exceedingly glad in the face of persecution and affliction, for in doing so, you follow in the footsteps of the prophets who came before you. Your reward will come from heaven, where you will receive peace and comfort from the Spirit of the Eternal Father.

You are the salt of the earth, serving as examples to all people of the peace that you receive from the Father. However, if you lose your saltiness, how can you restore the earth’s flavor? It would be useless, only fit to be thrown away and trampled by others. The Father does not desire those He has chosen to provide a false representation of Him.

I am the source of light in a world overshadowed by darkness, given by the Father to illuminate and guide. Those who choose to follow me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life. Moreover, since you are united with me and have received me from the Father, you too are now the light of the world. Together, with the light bestowed upon us by the Father, we become like a city positioned on a hill, radiating light to all corners of the world. Such a city cannot be hidden, as it is visible to all. Therefore, those who have received this light cannot conceal it from the world.

Likewise, no one lights a candle and then restricts its light by covering it with a container. The light cannot be measured or portioned out to others but should be placed on a candlestick so that all may partake of its illumination. It will provide light for everyone in the house, without discrimination.

Therefore, let your light shine brightly before all people through the good deeds you perform, motivated by the light that the Father has given you. By observing your righteous actions, others will witness your good works and glorify your Father who resides in heaven.

In the future, in the last days, something remarkable will happen. The house of the Great Spirit will be established on the highest mountains, elevated above the hills. People from all nations will be drawn to it.

They will come and say, “Let’s go to the Great Spirit’s mountain and the house of the Great Creator of Akobe. He will teach us His ways, and we will walk in His paths. His law will come from Zion, and the word of the Great Spirit from Yerusalem.”

The Great Spirit will judge and correct many nations, even those far away. They will transform their weapons of war into tools for farming. No nation will raise a sword against another, and they will no longer learn the ways of war.

Each person will find peace and security, sitting under their own vine and fig tree, without fear. The Great Spirit of the Almighty has declared it to be so.

Micah 6:8 The Great Spirit has shown you, O man, what is good, and what does the Great Spirit require of you? Only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your Great Creator, the Eternal Father!

Keep this Book of the Law, then you will have success!


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